Scaling smartly – If you’re comfortable, you’re doing it wrong.

Recently, I had a conversation with one of my amazing empire-building clients, and it got me thinking there is a whole aspect of scaling and growth and working on systems and operations that no one really talks about. That is the thoughts and the feelings and the emotional journey we go through when we look at things at this level.

I’ll give you a little bit of a backstory.

This episode shares:


  • Mindset that comes with growing and changing: If we want to grow, we need to change our mindset.
  • Survival Mode: When we are faced with change, we feel unsafe.
  • People and process friction: Changing something can feel uncomfortable which can cause friction.
  • Tunnel vision: When faced with something new or different, we flip back to comfortability.
  • Consult for the solution: Long-lasting solutions require a collaborative approach.
  • Be open and honest: Having these conversations will help your business grow.
  • Money: Every minute you spend on that ad-hoc task because “it’s quicker if you do it”, is money lost.


Mindset that comes with growing and changing


We created a new way of doing something and in creating this new method, we thought about all of the different moving pieces, all of the potential problems, all of the potential outcomes, the impact that we wanted to have, what this system needed to do, and the different areas it needed to cover. We took that away, we formulated a new way of doing it, considering all these things, covered all the bases. We came back, and then we presented this to our client and we walked them through step by step. The client loved it. They were excited. They were happy. Totally on board.

Then a few days later, we had another call. The client got a little bit wobbly and let us know they had been thinking about this and could we change it back to the old way of working. 

This is an interesting flip that happens but it’s not uncommon.

There is something very limiting about that mindset. We quite often will default back to what’s comfortable. A lot of the time, we’re not actually looking at all of those factors that went in to making this improved system. We’re not making sure all the criteria has been covered, all of the different avenues that this new system or new approach has to work for have been covered. Usually, it’s because we found a problem. This is where it can all fall over.

It can all fall over so easily if we don’t communicate properly because I tell you, there is a reason that you’re feeling the way you’re feeling or that you see a problem that is there and you want fixed. That’s fair enough. There is a reason that whoever you’re working with has presented a new approach, the way that they have. If there is a flip, more often than not, it’s because there’s some information missing in the middle. But, like I said earlier, it’s a common flip. I see it all the time. When we see something all the time, usually that tells us something about human behaviour.

Because all businesses are different, but the consistent element is people. People and human behaviour. So, where does this flip come from?

It comes from our need to feel safe and to be protected.

Human behaviour underpins a lot of the tactics.

So think about this. You go to work with somebody to help grow your business or improve your systems or manage your operations. You’ll ask about the tactics. What does this look like? What am I going to get? What will the outcome be? How long will it take? What different things do you know how to do? A lot of service providers will answer all those questions and then they’ll stop, which is great until something like this happens.

Because the bit that’s not getting spoken about is all of the thought processing and the process of filtering your emotions and the different feelings that you can expect as you’re making improvement.

When we change things, we feel unsafe. That’s why we want to default to what’s comfortable. Our body and our brain is saying to us, “this is scary and it’s different.”

Survival Mode

I’ve met quite a few people in my life who have said, “I hate change. I don’t like new. I don’t like different.”

There’s a few that love it, but majority don’t, especially if they can’t see the reason for it. When we’re faced with some kind of problem, we immediately go back to, okay, how do I retreat? I can see a danger or I can see a potential danger. This could be an issue. What am I going to do about it? I’m going to go back to where I know it’s safe.

And that’s logical except when we’re looking at business growth and improvement. We’re not trying to keep what’s always been done that way, which is where safety is. We want to push that little bit because that’s where we get innovation. That’s where we get improvement. If we’re going to stay the same, you’re not going to improve. You’re going to stay the same. So you can’t expect growth and therefore scalability and leverage, if you’re not going to change anything, but for us to go through this friction of change, it’s got to be worth it.

People and process friction

“Why should we bother? It’s not comfortable. Give me a reason to do that.” How it plays out is in people and process friction. When we have to change something with people, we feel uncomfortable. When we have to change something with the process or the way it’s always been done, we feel uncomfortable. This is how our survival mode and our survival instincts show up when we’re improving systems and processes when we’re trying to grow a business.

So how do we handle that?

Tunnel vision

This is something that I do talk about with my clients. When I stand back and I see something happening or I know it’s coming, I’ll say it first, “hey, when we get there, you might feel like this or it’s going to look like this. It’s gonna look wobbly before it looks amazing and that’s normal. It’s okay.”

Because then we can preempt that wobble and we have perspective and we have reason as to why we should bother changing this. So what is the problem? The problem is when we’re faced with an issue, we’ve been given a new idea or a new way to do something and at first it makes so much sense and it’s exciting but then the flip happens.

“Oh, but what about this factor?” Now we got tunnel vision. 

Consult for the solution

To come up with a solution that’s going to be long-lasting, we need a collaborative approach, especially if someone else has gone through the effort of looking at all of the factors. The likelihood is they’ve already got the solution for the problem that you see. They’ve already factored it in and they haven’t told you yet, which is where the communication comes in and why we need to be able to have these conversations without offense. What we want to be doing is acknowledging that we’re uncomfortable and then we want to start looking at why we’re uncomfortable.

“I was happy and then all of a sudden I wasn’t anymore.” Why is that?

“Because I realised this piece and then it means I’m going to have a damaged reputation if that happens that way and I don’t want to risk that and then we consult for the best solution.” More brains are always better, especially when you’re looking for a solution and one that will serve your business and help it grow.

What we want is to keep you as safe as possible, but not too safe, because we will default to saying everything is an emergency and our insides won’t feel great. But in reality, it’s not that bad. You stay stuck because you only ever find the solution that you were going to find and can I tell you, if you’re going to get people on board to help your business grow or to systemise or to find new ideas and to innovate so that your life can be easier, you want to take their advice. This doesn’t mean agreeing every time but it means when you see an issue, leverage their knowledge. That’s what they’re here for.

If you’re having a wobble or if you’ve noticed something, talk about it. Get them on board. See what their solution could be and maybe it’s something you haven’t thought of before. Maybe it’ll make that flip go back and you’ll get your confidence back.

Be open and honest

We need to be honest and we need to be open and have that ability to go, hang on, where is the balance here between safe and growing? Because we want to be safe, but not too safe.

We want our logic to reign.

If you don’t know why something has been done the way it’s been done or why a decision has been made in that way, ask. Always ask.

I’ve had so many conversations with clients before where they have said to me, “I’ve been thinking about this…”, and then they’ll tell me their thought process. Then they say to me, “but I don’t know if that matters in this situation. Does it matter? What impact will it have? Because I’ve never done this before.” And I have the ability to have that conversation with them to explain why it matters. Having conversations like this is what will help you grow your business. It will help you get better systems, better processes, better ways of operating, which is what you want. The other thing that you need to be able to do is know yourself well enough to think about why you’re making the choices you’re making.

What might be driving this decision or hesitation that might not be so obvious? You know who you are as a person. You know how you process information. You know whether you’re quick to jump on board with things and then to later go, oh, maybe I shouldn’t have done that. Or whether you take a long time to make a decision and feel confident about it. Or whether you never want to move forward if you feel like you’ve got questions that aren’t answered. You have that insight. Take that insight and use it as a growth tool. If I know I’m not going to be able to confidently make a decision, if I still have these questions, take those questions and ask them. Get the answers you need from the people you need them from so you can make a clear and confident decision, so you don’t have to do the flip-flop, and you don’t have to stay uncomfortable. You’re choosing to move forward.

The other piece of this is our need to stay comfortable because we’re trying to protect someone. Whether that’s ourselves, or whether that’s someone else, we live in a world with other people. We have businesses with other people and with people is joy and conflict. Majority of us don’t like conflict.

Sometimes we see conflict where there is no conflict and it just adds another layer of complexity, doesn’t it? If we’re put in a position where we have to change the way we’ve done something, and it means somebody else is going to do some of it, we have to let go of some control and that’s uncomfortable.

We have to be able to be confident in someone else doing it and somebody else using their knowledge and understanding, they might not do it the same way as you, or what if the quality is really bad and now I’m going to have hard conversations and potentially have conflict with another person. But if I do it myself, I can avoid all that and I’m safe, and that person doesn’t have to feel offended by me when that’s not what I’m trying to say to them. I can avoid all that conflict and I can stay here, but there’s no boundaries there. We need to be able to put in safe boundaries and boundaries that are gonna work for us, for the other people and for the business as a whole.


If you want to keep expanding, your business can’t operate as if you can just step in and do the thing all the time, or you’ll just keep that piece because right now it feels too hard to hand it over in case something else happens. We need to challenge those thoughts a little bit, and we need to consider what another perspective might be.

I want you to think about the cost of time. You doing all of the things won’t ever help your business grow. It’s not sustainable. It’s just not.

It’s not going to help you improve.

Putting more and more knowledge and information into your bucket won’t build a scalable business. It builds your knowledge and your perspective and gives you more things to learn, understand and develop, but it will always be you in the center of it.

There’s money. If you’re spending all your time, or some of your time, doing things that don’t need to be you, you are losing out on revenue. Potentially you’re paying someone who can’t really do their job properly because you haven’t been able to nut this out yet.

Imagine what it could be like if you had the space and you had the time to think innovatively. What would the revenue impact be then?

What about the freedom cost?

If I keep accumulating more knowledge and building my internal knowledge pool, I’m putting myself in a box. I’m taking away my freedom layer by layer because instead of building into a business system that can sustain itself, regardless of who the people are, I’m putting everything in one bucket, me. More often than not, it gets stuck there. And then, we get frustrated because why does it always have to be us? Why does it have to be us to get it done right? Why can’t I figure out a way where I can just have some time and have some peace and do what I want with my life? There has to be a better way to do this.

There is. But staying comfortable won’t get you there. 

Ultimately, there’s burnout. Burnout appears so often when we put more on our plate and put more on our plate or think that we have to do something or if we see a consequence as bigger than it actually is.

If a blog gets published on the wrong day, I can choose to have a really big meltdown about it and think that’s it, business is over. What if an extra 10 people had clicked that link today? What process has failed? What system did that live in? Who did it? What do I need to do to fix this? Maybe the person that was meant to put the date in, put it in wrong. Is it ideal? No. Is it something that can be fixed in the future? Yes. Is it worth me then saying, okay, I’m going to do that bit from now on, just in case? Absolutely not. Because why would you want to risk burning out over potentially going back to someone and saying, hey, we had this break in the chain. How can we stop this from happening again?

The impact hasn’t cost you millions and millions of dollars. It just hasn’t felt very good and the second we acknowledge that feeling, we can push past it.

Wrapping It Up

So, when you’re making decisions or when you notice your opinion has quickly changed, look underneath. Usually, you’ll find something missing, or a question you have that needs to be answered, and ask yourself if this is serving you. Does this support growth, or does this support staying the same?

Where are you investing your time, money and knowledge? Is it in the direction that you want it to go? If the answer is yes, then it’s fine. Sometimes there are two options and they’re just as good as each other. Your preference might be one. Someone else’s preference might be the other. It doesn’t matter which one you pick.

It’s not good if you’re making choices or feeling hesitation, but you haven’t really thought about the impact and whether it’s serving you, because that’s what we want. A business that serves you and goes in the direction that you want it to go in.

Be brave, Empire Builder. I know you can be.


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AEP E7 The top five issues successful empire builders face today (and how you can fix them)

Hey, hey, hey! Welcome to this week’s episode of [00:01:00] the Audacious Empires podcast. Today, I want to talk to you about five of the big issues that I’m seeing successful empire builders face and how you can fix them. In my role as an OBM and an integrator, I talk to a lot of business owners. And successful ones.

So I’m not talking today about issues that, only happen when you’re in a startup phase. These are issues that I see coming from seven figure, eight figure businesses. And they’re all really easy to fix. But I wanted to give you the insight so that if you are facing some of these, you don’t feel like you’re alone.

Because that’s another question I keep getting asked is, do you see other people that have this same problem? The answer is always, yes. The likelihood is if you are facing a big issue, someone else is facing it too. And there are all different [00:02:00] ways that you can go about fixing that issue. It is not just a you thing.

So let’s dive in. The first of the issues that I want to cover is the battle between impact and money, as Empire Builders we want to create a big impact. Usually, this is what started us on the journey that we are on now. We have a big purpose. We want to change the world. We want to make a difference. We have a fire in our belly that fuels us. and very rarely does it have to do with us. 

Most of the time, it’s about other people.

And the impact that we have on them, the world around them, the relationships that they have, the life that they live. And so with that, we feel a big responsibility. We want to do everything that we can to support them, to create that impact, to grow that impact, to help more people, and for us, it does not feel optional.

We’re driven. We, it’s something we must do. If we can’t do it, we feel like we’re not doing the right thing. We’re not living up to what we’ve been called to do.

So how does that impact when it comes to money? What I see so often with empire builders is they have this desire to create the impact and they know that they need money from a business perspective. The two don’t always align. In fact, the two are tug of warring. If you’re focused solely on impact, then the money side tends to fall over.

If you’re focused solely on money, the impact side tends to fall over.

Which means we’re left in this place. Where we feel like we’re in a battle all the time of having to choose and it is frustrating. But I want you to think about it this way. When we’re in this battle, our focus is split. We’re either looking at impact or we’re looking at money and we see them as opposing forces.

But what if we flipped it a little bit? And what if we shifted our mindset so that we looked at the two as a collaboration, the impact needs the money. So it is Batman and Robin. One can’t really exist without the other. If you are focused on impact and you don’t look at the money side at all, what you will find is you will burn out very quickly.

[00:05:00] Or you won’t ever be able to make the kind of impact at the level that you want because you don’t have the money that supports it. This isn’t about greed or just revenue generation or anything like that. This is about, we need to have the resources to create that impact. Otherwise, We will end up having no impact.

I will say it again. If we don’t consider the money and the role the money plays, the vital role the money plays, on creating a big impact, we will have no impact. Because you will burn out, and if you burn out, You’re not helping anybody. There is no business, there is no you. There is no showing up, there is no sharing what you know, there is no getting the cut through that only you can get to, because [00:06:00] there’s no fuel for that fire.

And then if we look at it in the other way, There is no money without the impact. That is because you’re an empire builder. You don’t do things in halves. You don’t do things, just to take the first step and run away. If there is no impact, there’s no money. And that’s because without the impact, you’re not in it.

That impact needs you, and the money will only come if that impact is being made, because that impact is what fuels you. It’s what keeps you going. It’s what keeps you seeing these are the opportunities in front of me. If you’re in a place where all you have to focus on is money or making money, you’re not going to sustain what you’re doing, because that’s not why you started doing this.

It might be part of the reason. But I bet you it’s not the sole [00:07:00] reason. And so if we don’t show you the impact that you’re having and you can’t see it unfolding, there’s going to be no money because you’re not going to back it and the money needs you.

When we’re looking at this battle of impact versus money, you need to flip your mindset and see it as it’s not a battle. They feed each other and each is just as important. And that means we need to give each the right amount of attention. They both need our time and our commitment so that we can keep growing.

And if we just focus on one, that’s when things get wobbly. So remember, we need to cover both bases. Make the time to cover both bases.

The second issue that I see is keeping pace.

Empire Builders tend to have [00:08:00] two modes. That are default. So this is in terms of, without trying, one is moving too fast, the other is moving too slow. They’re the default. Until we start to rationalise and until we start to really commit to changing the way that we operate, that’s just the status quo.

But both of these have issues and have consequences. When we are moving too fast, we lose strategic perspective and we generally lose quality. Our focus becomes on speed or our focus becomes on immediate impact, immediate outcome. And that just adds pressure. The faster that you’re moving, the more pressure that gets added, especially if it’s not backed with strategy.

And there’s a whole lot of reasons that we move quickly. We’re excited. We feel like this is urgent and it needs to be solved right [00:09:00] now. We can see an opportunity and we don’t want to miss it. There are lots of reasons. Sometimes we just feel anxious or we just want to feel like we’ve achieved something, so we move faster.

But very rarely is the outcome as good as what it could have been if we took a breath first. And then, on the flip side, if we’re moving too slow, we start to lose opportunities. And when I see empires moving too slow, most of the time it has to do with a decision. They need to make a decision about something, or they’re procrastinating doing something.

And it’s that delay that misses them opportunities, and it actually causes mental exhaustion. Because even if you’re not doing it, you still know that you need to. You still know that there’s a choice that needs to be made, or there’s a thing that needs to be done. And in your [00:10:00] mind, in the background, that’s still sitting there.

And it takes that little bit of your energy. Now imagine that. Ten choices. Fifteen. Twenty. That little bit of energy isn’t little anymore. Because it’s happening across all these different areas. And so then we’re suffering the consequences of moving too slowly, of being unsure. So what we need to do is work out a better balance.

We need to know when to move quickly and when moving a bit slower is okay. And the way that we do that is to know your core drivers. When I’m working with a lot of my clients, I usually am in on what all their goals are and I know them as people. So I know as people what’s important to them and I know from a business perspective [00:11:00] what’s important to it.

That means that when we’re having conversations I already know what the crucial pieces are here. I know where we’re headed. I know where we’re headed based on a business front and based on a human front. And because those are clear for me. When there’s a decision that needs to be made or when there’s a really exciting opportunity that lands in our lap or a new thought that pops into our minds and the things that could develop to be, I have something to go back to because I can measure.

Every opportunity or every decision against these core drivers. Is this something that is moving with us in alignment with those drivers and these goals? Or is it something completely off to the side? Because every time we choose something that is off to the side, it means that something’s taken away from one of our core [00:12:00] drivers.

And are we okay with that? So often we can’t make a decision until we understand the consequence of that decision. And sometimes the answer might be, yeah, it’s actually okay in this scenario to take that opportunity and to do it and to do it quickly, because that actually feeds straight into what we’re doing.

But sometimes it just means you’re taking away focus, energy, and time. From the things that really need it now, that you’d already decided without emotion, without urgency. The more that we can come back and have that tangible, measurable plan to go back to, you’ll make far better decisions and you’ll be able to keep a better pace.

Because you won’t be constantly going between fast, fast, fast, or slow, slow, slow. The third thing is reinventing the wheel. *This is something I hear from people that I work with a lot. I feel like I’m reinventing the wheel. I’m [00:13:00] organised, but even if I’m organised, I still feel like I’m doing the same things that I’ve already done.

There has to be an easier way. Usually, this stems from empire builders trying to be organised and creating processes. Now, I’m an OBM and an integrator, so I love processes. But I also know that the second that you create a process, the second that you document it, it’s pretty much out of date because time has moved forward and time changes things.

I also know that processes that are contained within a system have context and context is what makes your processes longlasting. So we’re constantly reinventing the wheel and doing the same things over and over again, even though we have processes, because those processes have no context. They don’t know how to [00:14:00] function and be of use without you or the person that wrote them.

So we need to start looking at what are the systems in our businesses. That these processes support because that’s when we start to see systems of scale. That’s when we start to see a reduction in the impact of people changing roles or leaving or coming in. The impact of that. The reason being that the systems are not built for any one person.

They’re built for the business as a whole. And the processes tie back into those systems. The two feed each other and that’s what makes them last longer because they can be done by anyone with any knowledge of that role because the context is there. They don’t have to know when to use this process, why to use this process, whether it’s this process or the other process.

If I change something in this process, is it going to affect a different process? Will it [00:15:00] affect a different team? What will that do to the bottom line? There are all these things that happen within processes if you leave them without a system. Put them in systems and then the systems work together and the picture makes sense.

It’s that clarity that will keep your business driving forward and you won’t be reinventing the wheel anymore. The wheels are already there in motion, you might just support them and improve them.

The fourth thing is being busy but not strategic. We’re Empire Builders. We like to be busy. Usually, it’s because being busy makes us feel like we’re closer to the impact we want to make, or we feel productive. But, being busy and being strategic are not the same thing. And you might be doing a lot. Let’s be honest.

Most of our Empire Builders [00:16:00] out there are doing a lot. But it might not be the right things. When we’re not focused on the right things, we go round in circles. At least that’s what it feels like. Whenever really moving forward, sure, we’re getting a lot done. We’re getting through a lot. I’m not really seeing the outcome of that.

And that’s because we’re being busy. I also want to add the context of what is business today might not be in a month. The things I do today that would be counted as busy things, that I’m not going to see the impact for, in a month’s time, they might be the right things, and I’d see the impact very quickly.

Therefore, in that scenario, they’re not busy anymore. The difference is the timing and the priority. This is how we fix our constant lack of time, [00:17:00] even though we’re doing lots. We start to look at prioritisation. Priorities fix everything. If you know what to do when to do it, and why that we have to do it in that order, in that way.

You will get to your outcomes far quicker. It’s methodical. It’s planned out. And you won’t burn out as easy. You’re seeing impact faster. You’re jumping a lot of hurdles when you do things in the right order. That’s just how project rollout works. That’s how operations work. If you prioritise properly, things run a lot smoother and you reach your goals faster.

So if you’re in that position, what I really want you to do is take a look at where all your time is going. Really, where’s your time going? And before you go to do the next thing, go do the [00:18:00] next thing, think about why you’re doing that. What is the purpose? And what do you want that thing to get you? And is that something that’s going to happen soon?

Or maybe is there something else that you That your time is better served doing and then shift. It’s okay to shift. It’s okay to change the scope of different things. Nothing ever has to be set in stone, especially if we wanna be constantly moving. Nothing ever stays still if we’re moving. So you’ve gotta be flexible and that’s okay. And then the last thing that I wanna talk to you about is owning the role of CEO.

Now you might be thinking, that doesn’t really sound like an issue. That just sounds like a dream, but can I tell you, I see empire builders [00:19:00] spending way too much of their time doing other people’s jobs, not being CEO. Not because they have to, but they do.

Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should do it. Just because you can do it well, doesn’t Doesn’t mean that you should do it just because you can do it faster than someone else also doesn’t mean you should do it. Not if you want to be the CEO, getting the opportunity cost in a business, there is only ever one CEO. There’s lots of workers. There’s lots of people in the organisation and they all have their part to play. There’s only ever one CEO. That means you have to choose. And that means every time you do something that isn’t in your CEO role that someone else could be doing, you’re choosing not to do your CEO role.

Your time and energy are getting taken up by something that isn’t serving you. Someone else can do it. Whether they’ll do it as good as you, whether they’ll do it as fast as you, whether they’ll do it in the same way you would. Totally different story. But the truth of the matter is, only one person can be the CEO.

And if that person isn’t you, no one else is doing it. And what will happen to your business if they have a CEO who’s there most of the time but then sometimes just [00:21:00] disappears? Things won’t stay on track. Things won’t get to where they could be as quickly as they could if they had a CEO who was leading.

And every time we choose to jump into somebody else’s job, someone else’s task, something that someone else can do that is not a you only thing. 

We often desperately want to be CEO, but the reality is it’s harder for us to stay there. Or to work our way up to staying in that role, because it’s a new way to operate. It’s not the same as it’s always been. If I’m an admin assistant, there’s four admin assistants. There’s four of me. There’s more wiggle room for my role.

If you’re the CEO, there’s only one of you. There’s no fallback here. So, we have to operate differently. To do that, [00:22:00] you need to start looking at your capacity. And look at all the things that you’re doing. Can anybody else do any of those things? What are the things on there? Only you can do, nobody else, because they’re the things you need to be aiming to do all of the time.

It doesn’t mean that you have to be doing it all tomorrow, but you’re setting yourself a baseline and you’re understanding, hey, this is what my role should be. And you’re starting to see the gaps and the opportunities to grow. Because if you’re doing things that other people could be doing, it means that you’re not spending that time looking at growth.

Or impact or new opportunities. And none of those things will happen unless you’re managing it. So as much as we can, we want to start building our team and bringing in the right people in the right [00:23:00] roles where you’re not needed. And then we equip those people to do the best that they can do. And it might look different to you.

And you know what? Most of the time, the results they get. They’re going to be better than the results you would have gotten because that’s their jam. Your job is to be at the head of the table. And so we want to own the CEO role, but we need to understand what that really means and be practical about getting there because it won’t happen overnight.

Just like success doesn’t happen overnight. And creating a little bit of a transition plan is okay. It’s practical. It’s saying, all right, I want to move forward. One step forward is still one step forward. So they’re the five big things that I talk to my clients about, that I talk to empire builders about, that I’m seeing right now in 2024.

And hopefully this episode has given [00:24:00] you the starting points on how to overcome those issues and not stay stuck in them. Because the world needs you to be the best you that you can be. That’s where the impact happens. That’s when the world changing happens. I’ll see you next week, everyone bye.