
Go from being the growth bottleneck to the catalyst.

1:1 Coaching like you’ve never seen before.


You’re an empire builder who’s highly capable, you know your stuff and people want more of what you offer.

BUT it still feels hard and clunky.

You need a new way to approach your operations. 

It's the perfect mix of private coaching, accountability and tactical implementation guidance. A way that's organised, optimised and puts an end to the chaos in three easy steps.

Ready for business to feel easier?

You feel disorganised and unfocused. You’re great at showing up for your clients and sharing your expertise but when it comes to what happens behind the scenes, it feels clunky.

You’ve got plans, a list of ideas, things you’ll do ‘one day.’ You’ve also got a line of people chasing you, emails piling up and always feel behind. 

The Audacious Operations Model

Step One: Create Capacity

You need the space. Space to do deep work, think, create and ideate. Capacity comes from optimising your time, team and tools. The more capacity you can create, the more space you’ll have.

Step Two: Streamline & Strategise

Now you’ve got some more space, you need to get strategic. You need to organise and streamline what you sell, how you sell it and who you sell it to. How can you create consistency in your revenue generation machine?

Step Three: Systemise & Scale

The final step is to whip the business of doing business into shape. Systemising your daily operations, the way you serve your clients and the way you market in an easy, repeatable and automated way.

The Audacious Empires Operations Model

And what if…

You had space and didn’t have to worry about the day-to-day of business?

The quality of your business systems and operations matched the level of your client work?

You could show up for clients, spin big ideas and shoot for big goals knowing you had a strong foundation to support you?

Go from being the growth bottleneck to the catalyst, confidently leading your business to exactly where it needs to go, when it needs to get there.

Organised. Optimised. Operations. is a 6-month one-to-one coaching program with one main goal:

Get your business backend organised, systemised and flowing better so that it creates more ease for you.


We’ll partner with and lead you for a change, helping you set a clear direction and giving you all the knowledge and confidence you need to get your business backend running smoothly.


The three collaborative steps we’ll go through to deliver the program and get results:

Step 01. The Roadmap

Set clear goals and set priorities

We’ll start by sitting down and setting clear goals. We’ll understand where you are now and plan where you want to go.

Once we’re Swarovski clear on what we’re aiming for together, we’ll craft the unique path (roadmap) of how to get you there. This will include established priorities and highest impact actions / quick wins. 

Focus areas and timeline

Using the roadmap we create, you’ll be able to see the steps we’re going to take together and when we’ll take them.

This will remove any feelings of being lost and overwhelmed you may be experiencing right now.

Step 02. The Coaching Sessions

Remove blocks and add springboards

In our online coaching sessions, we’ll follow the priorities in the roadmap and help you tackle these key areas of your business: from operations to marketing, systems to automation. The aim is to remove the blocks holding you back, and put in place the springboards you need to help get to where you really want to be.

Systems and operations expert solutions

This looks a little different for every business and every business owner but what doesn’t change is that you’ll have systems and operations specialists and strategists in your corner crafting plans and solutions with you. If your inbox is a source of stress, we’ll find ways to manage it. If launching your program feels too hard, we’ll try to simplify and systemise it. Or if your business operations, technology and products aren’t working for you, we’ll help you reshape them. 

Tools, strategies and freedom

We’ll introduce tools and strategies to stop you from being the bottleneck in your business. You’ll have more freedom and less chaos. You’ll gain the confidence to make the changes needed for growth such adding in new offers, repricing your program or creating an outsourcing plan.

Step 03. The Action Plans

Action plans to equip and transform

When we say 1:1 Coaching like you’ve never seen before, we mean it.

The beauty of this program is not only can we help you focus and establish a clear direction for achieving your badass goals, we action these plans on the daily for empire builder’s just like you (and we’re kinda great at it).

For each step of your roadmap, we’ll handover an action plan, a list equipping you what you need to do to transform each area of your business. The aim is to give you an easy-to-follow checklist for improvement, so you can focus your action-taking energy and effort in exactly the right place. 

Tried and tested

These are the same plans we’ve used with our six and seven figure clients to make impactful decisions, up-level systems and bring new ideas to life. A list of steps you can take away and work through, one at a time. 

Oh and if you get stuck while you’re working through them?  We’re only one quick email away 🙂


By the end of our 6 months together, you’ll:

  • feel more organised and in control.
  • have a clear direction for your business.
  • 8 key areas up levelled
  • a set of systems that do the operational heavy lifting for you so you can focus on creating impact for your clients.


So, what do I get?

Coaching Sessions

8 x 1:1 Coaching Sessions to zoom in on each step of your roadmap


2-hour Workshop with us to deep dive and create your strategy

Personalised Roadmap

Your 8-Step path to optimising your operations, tailored to you


Recordings to all sessions and impromptu explanatory videos


Action Plans

8 x Easy-to-follow implementation checklists to up-level each business focus area

As-you-go Action Tracker

Handy tracking sheet to share updates on your progress and keep us up to speed on new developments


Support via email to get clarity on implementation actions as you work through

Recommended Tools

The best of our techy brains to recommend how to fix or replace any tools with ones better suited to you!


Not doing what you need to do? We’ll be there checking in and nudging you own. Your success, is our success.

Little Black Book

Access to our little black book of vetted service providers. Okay, it’s not really a book nor is it black but it’s super handy.

We're here to help streamline your business, make it more efficient and enjoyable for you.

We’ve got the plan, tools, and strategies;
all you need is to be ready and committed to take this journey with us.



Leanne Woff Standing with palms facing up and books on her head

Leanne Woff

Leanne Woff is an Online Business Manager and Integrator, an OBM Coach and the driving force behind the powerhouse operations, systems & growth agency – Audacious Empires. Leanne and her team have quickly become known as the empire builder’s secret weapon, delivering and implementing advanced & cutting edge business strategies and systems for their clients to achieve next-level growth & operations excellence. Leanne is on a mission to, not only, transform the way online businesses are run but she’s here to support the growth, skills upgrade and earning potential of OBMs and the industry as a whole.

Chloe wearing a white top, one hand behind her head and the other on her hip. Wearing a ship captain's hat

Chloe Porter

Chloe is the Captain of Operations and Business Integration at Audacious Empires.  She’s got the drive, determination, capability, and care factor to smash goals ensuring the ship is always sailing in the right direction. She listens to what you want, identifies what you need to take your big vision and make it a reality. Under her captain’s hat, Chloe has unparallel focus in creating more time and freedom for empire builders to do what they love most, and keeping operations thriving.
When she’s not in her chair keeping you on your toes, she can be found either out on her boat with a rod cast in the water or winning those teddies in the claw machines.

A few of the rockstar clients we’ve worked with



YES. We know that but understand you might want some proof.

Hope this does the trick:

Leanne is the best decision I ever made in my business.

I’ve been working with Leanne and the Audacious Empires Team for quite a while now. Leanne is more than my online business manager. She is my confidant, my cheerleader, moral support. She’s really an essential part of my business and why she is, well there’s a number of different reasons. Number one, I love the fact that the Audacious Empires Team is skilled across multiple platforms. Canva, Agora, Pulse, ActiveCampaign, Xero, Slack, Asana, you name it, they understand it. Leanne is all about automation, integration and streamlining. So looking at your processes and seeing ways that we can improve them and get where we need to get to faster.

One of the things I love is her initiative and her ability to come back to me and reflect back changes that need to be made in my businesses, things we could do to improve. She’s always striving to do things better and for me it’s invaluable. I really don’t think my business would be where it is today without both Leanne and the Audacious Empires Team’s skills, moral support, enthusiasm and hard work. I really cannot recommend Leanne and her team high more highly, highly. They’re just amazing. And if you are hovering on the fence or sitting on the fence, whatever you’re doing on the fence, get off it, get in touch. And if you’re not even sure right now how they could help you, let them have a chat with you and see what things they could do to just turn your business around, tweak it a little bit, or take it to an entirely new level.

Kate Toon

Stay Tooned

I create the vision. You bring it to life.

Leanne and Audacious Empires have literally changed my business and they’ve changed my relationship with my business. As a result, I’ve fallen back in love with my business and my work and what I’m trying to create and contribute to the world. All because I finally have a team behind me who are helping me do all the tasks that are absolutely not in my zone of genius. They’ve been able to come in completely restructure my business and the way I do my process tasks behind the scenes. They’ve systemised all those tasks and what they’ve really done is giving me back time, energy, and mental space to be able to create which I can’t put the price on.

I no longer feel like I’m alone in business and it’s the most wonderful feeling.”

Dr Rebecca Ray

Rebecca Ray

I throw things her way, and she’ll come back with a really great solution, which is exactly what you need from someone on your team.

Leanne is incredible. She’s so switched on and she can figure anything out and I throw things her way, and she’ll come back with a really great solution, which is exactly what you need when you’re wanting someone on your team, and she’s just lovely to boot. I adore working with Leanne and can’t wait to partner again on other projects with her. If you’re looking for someone that can literally figure anything out, particularly across the automation and tech side, which is really important, she works really hard to understand your business and come up with the best solution for you and what you need for your clients or your students. So I highly, highly recommend working with Leanne..”

Kaity Griffin

Sunday Digital


We get it. We’d all love to BUY THE THING every time but, cashflow.

We’ve got two payment options so you can choose what works best for you.

To be both effective and efficient is a rare thing to find in business – and yet this is a familiar harmony for the team at Audacious Empires.

I originally reached out to Audacious Empires having heard great things from people I respect and admire. The team at Audacious Empires were able to demystify the confusing jargon, and show me why and how better systems, funnels, and processes would benefit my business – not just now, but in the years to come.

They were professional, diligent, highly skilled, and fantastic to work with. As a big-picture thinker, the highlight for me was being shown how all the ‘pieces’ would come together, and the way it would support my overall business goals. For the first time ever, I actually felt excited at the prospect of having proper systems in place. This has definitely been the most positive impact of this project – my own changed perspective towards the necessity and beauty of systems and operations, and the way they support a business like the crucial foundations of a building.”

I’d highly recommend the Audacious Empires team to anyone who has big goals for their business, and is committed to reaching those goals with the right foundations in their business, so they’re set up for success.

Courtney Rogers

Courtney Rogers

Efficient and amazing and she knew so, so much.

Working with Leanne was incredible. She helped us so much when it came to getting our online program set up.

When it came to organising our people in our back end and our CRM, everything was a hot mess. She was so efficient and amazing and she knew so, so much. I cannot thank you enough, Leanne. We are so grateful that we got a chance to work with you and that you kicked ass and helped us so much.

Highly, highly recommend can’t recommend you enough. And I’m so grateful that our paths have crossed and that you are able to be of service as you have been to us.

Thank you. We love you.

Erika Cramer

The Queen of Confidence

I couldn’t recommend them more. You’ll be in great hands.

The first time we met, they asked me to just unpack everything for them, and I thought, Okay, Let’s see if they can make sense of my chaos. I was absolutely blown away when they came back to me with a 90 day plan that absolutely nailed my vision for where I was going. They perfectly understood all the problems I had in the business, and I perfectly understood the projects and the smaller pieces of the projects that needed to be moved forward. So we started implementing and I couldn’t be happier.”

Salome Shillack

Shine and Succeed

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“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.”

Walt Disney

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”

Walt Disney

“Remember you’re the one who can fill the world with sunshine.”

Snow White

“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”

Christopher Robin

“You’re mad. Bonkers. Off your head. But I’ll tell you a secret, all the best people are”


“Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”


“It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.”
